
"Belief is Trust & Trust is Faith" "Every Human Being find 'GOD' In Temple,Mosque,Church but 'He' is no-where.He is in between Only the service of mankind. Let's Find 'GOD' with help of the helpless People and make this Earth like as another heaven."

Clothes Distribution


Social service -the most frequently chanted mantra and performed prayer has in fact become the life breath of society today. Every day records the birth of a new organization/philanthropist dedicating them to the same cause and the needy have remained needy in spite of all these efforts. Organizations for service must be coupled with individuals rendering service. Let us Share and Let us serve eventually share a service and spend few movement among the need people at present waiting for us. Generally shame ness restricts few people to begging and some are profession in this matter. So since 2006 we have to find out the need women or girls at present and help them by providing some clothes for their better life. Please for such service we request to support and help the need people and fulfill our soul to serve society and request to people donate clothes for this purpose. Navjivan Foundation collects clothes from the local donors and keep its safe for the timing of natural disasters in the country and reach these clothes directly or indirectly near the effected people. For the locality several time of year distribute winter dress, blankets, ladies dress, school dress to the below the poverty line people in different areas. So we call to the manufacturer to joining hand with us for this type of work.

The volunteers of this organization has great role in this field. The Indian poverty restrict to the people for food and clothing and since its independence, the issue of poverty within India has remained a prevalent concern. According to the common definition of poverty, when a person finds it difficult to meet the minimum requirement of acceptable living standards, he or she is considered poor. The poverty ratios illustrated here are divided in two types: urban and rural. Specific reasons for poverty vary in the urban and rural settings. Rural Indians depend on unpredictable agriculture incomes, while urban Indians rely on jobs that are, at best, scarce. A number of factors are responsible for poverty in the rural areas of India. Rural populations primarily depend on agriculture, which is highly dependant on rain patterns and the monsoon season. Inadequate rain and improper irrigation facilities can obviously cause low, or in some cases, no production of crops. The Indian family unit is often very large, which can amplify the effects of poverty. Also, the caste system still prevails in India, and this is also a major reason for rural poverty - people from the lower casts are often deprived of a number of facilities and opportunities. The government has planned and implemented poverty eradication programs, but the benefits of all these programs have yet to reach the core of the country.

The participation of non profit organization in poverty reduction efforts, especially those directed to women, has increased social awareness and encouraged governments to provide better services. These organizations have not only contributed to women's material well being; they have also helped empower them socially and politically. Such credit initiatives, by bringing women out of the confines of the household, are changing their status within the family and within village hierarchies. The demands of these organizations for better social services have spurred the government to launch campaigns to increase literacy and improve public infrastructure. And their calls for greater accountability and real devolution of power are increasing the likelihood that expenditures for poverty reduction will reach the needy, especially women. More over Navjivan Foundation has knowledge on the rural women and in compare to the urban women the rural women are on backward. Because proper education, awareness and shame ness pull the rural women for the poverty. So the organization arrange free cloth distribution camps in the area.


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